Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Scott Horton : @ The China Banks

Here's a freakin sweet photo of our boy Scott Horton recently went up to The City (San Francisco) to ride some street spots with a hand full of other riders from San Jose. The photo above was taken in China Town @ one of the most famous skate spots in SF, The China Banks. China town is hands down my favorite place to skate in the city. I used to live right down the street from this spot, and would spend hours riding the empty streets, and lit up parks @ night. I'm trying to make another trip up to SF this weekend to film, and take some photos. Hit me up if you're trying to come.
Photo Credit : Forest Parker.


  1. i might be down for an SF trip this weekend...

  2. I've been wanting to ride the city A LOT lately, have't been in months. I'm down to meet up anytime.
