Tuesday, August 16, 2011
This is officially an ending of an era. The Slumworm blog has come to an end, and from it's smoldering ashes spawned WHEELTALKFIXED.COM. All posts are going to be made on the new site, so bookmark it, make it your homepage, do whatever you have to do to keep up w/ the latest & greatest. WTF.com is a group blog, where all of us can contribute & maintain it. Sort of like a ZlogBlog if you will. It's funny that Slumworm started out as just a name for this blog, but quickly became a commonly associated nickname for me. If I had know that would be the case I probably would have put more thought into it. Whatever, it works. Quit wasting your time reading my final post {#711} & go check out the NEWSITE already!
Friday, August 12, 2011
B&W : Scott Horton
Yesterday I woke up in San Jose & went out riding with a bunch of the local riders. Got some good footage of Horton Heat, and Alex Blanco shredding the streets of SJ. Here's a black & white photo that I got of Scott towards the end of the day when things started to mellow down.
Friday, August 5, 2011
SADIO + Matt Reyes
It's kind of weird making an edit, and talking about yourself. But I recently got picked up by SADIO BIKES a FGFS Bike Company based out of Thailand. I'm running the Booster Fork, Hot Bars, Riot Pegs, BB, Headset, Pivotal, & Cranks. I'll put out a bike check of my whip all laced up w/ Sadio components in the next few weeks. Until then enjoy this little "Welcome to the Team" edit I put together using some of the footage I've been sitting on. Rider profile fully up and running on the Sadio Team page
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Chrome : Niko Camera Bag
I recently got one of Chrome's latest bags, the Niko Camera Bag. & needless to say, I've been putting it through the ringer. I've already wiped out going 25-30mph and slid on my back w/ my camera, and bag strapped to it. Scratched the buckles, & scraped the canvas, but aside from that my camera, 2 lenses, off camera flash, and tripod survived the fall just fine. I love the quick access to my camera, and multiple padded compartments that keep my equipment safe in the event of a fall like this^.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Bryan Dempler : Photography
I recently moved back up to San Francisco, to finish off school, & I moved back in w/ my old roommate, long time friend, & ex-neighbor Bryan Dempler. I knew I brought two bikes w/ me for a reason. We've been going on rides through Golden Gate Park @ the end of everyday. Here's a portrait that he shot of me during the magic hour of lighting.
Photo Credit : Bryan Dempler
Photo Credit : Bryan Dempler
Bryan Dempler
Scott's : PFIX
Here's a shot that I took while ago of Scott's latest PFIX. He's running the production MED frame, fork, front wheel & tire for those who are curious. We've been helping Specialized test & design this complete bike for more than a year now. It's been through a lot, but I think we've finally found what we were looking for. A bike that is as practical as it is revolutionary.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
#HortonHeat : Instagram
This Instagram shit is making it way to easy for anyone to make their own crappy "designer" photos. With that being said here's a couple that aren't half bad. haha. Ed has been staying over @ Scott's while he's here in Cali. For now @ least. The two of them are on the train up to the city as I'm typing this. Photo Credit : Scott Horton #HortonHeat
Monday, July 11, 2011
The guys from SHMOB came to San Francisco to get a little riding in before SummerFix2 this weekend. I took some time off from my midterms & hit up a couple spots in Golden Gate park w/ them. We went & checked out the dirt jumps that are hidden deep in Golden Gate.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
PFIX : Barspin Clearance
People have been asking what the barspin clearance is like on the PFIX. Here's a couple shots of the clearance on the Medium frame w/ 175mm cranks & 26x2.2 tires. All of us are running 175's even Scott, & Jeff who are on the Small frames. I strongly recommend anybody riding a bike w/ neg BB to run 175's. It'll give you more torque, power & pop.
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Scott Horton For SPUN
Scott recently got picked up by SPUN Studios. A FGFS parts company based out of Taipei Taiwan. Right now they only make 1 piece handle bars, but they seem to have found a magic recipe. With a 4" rise, 29" wide, & an 8° backsweep these bars get the WT seal of approval. Can't wait to see what they roll out next.
Jeff + Scott : DTSJ
Forgot to post up this little video of Jerry Diesel and Horton Heat riding some of the local spots in Down Town San Jose. The first clip of JeffyD coming in hot w/ that Wheelie, Feeble, hop up to bar was a hammer. So much speed. Always stoked to see video of the guys that I didn't shoot.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Fully Kicked & Clicked
Here's some action shots from our trip to Calabasas bike park a few weeks back. It's kind of hard to tell in the photos but this step up was probably the biggest jump they had there. The take off itself was more than 10ft high. You had to be coming in hot in order to make it up and over, let alone trick over it. Horton Heat getting that Xup fully clicked, & Jeffy getting that Griz fully kicked. Only the video clips do this jump justice. I should have edits of all of us out within the next month or so.
Rider Portrait : Scott & Jeff
A couple weeks ago JeffyD, Horton Heat, and I went to Calabasas dirt jumps to get some clips and photos. Here's a couple rider portraits I got of the both of them. I feel like sometimes I get caught up focusing on just the action shots, and forget to take pictures the little things. Here's a couple lifestyle shots of us scoping out the jumps & layout before we got down to business.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Scott : Natas Spin
Here's a photo of Scott Horton doing a Natas Spin!.. Alright, maybe it's not a Natas spin, it's just a Bottom Bracket stall. But I think that a natas spin on the BB is completely possible. You would just have to find something with a smaller diameter than this, but it is entirely possible. What do you think? Natas spins = the new feeble bar?
Scott : Hemisphere
Here's a close up shot of Scott checking out this huge ledge leading down into the creek before he threw himself on it. Scott's always ranting about how the Specialized Hemisphere (as shown above) is his favorite tire. I think the newer Hemi tread pattern is looks better, but Scott swears by the OG Hemisphere.
Jordan Fargher : Bump Tuck
I've been sitting on a ton of photos lately, because I've been so caught up with school. Here's a killer photo of our buddy Jordan Fargher throwing a bump jump to tuck no. It's great riding w/ a diverse group of riders on all kinds of bikes. It keeps up the creativity and morale.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Mark Grime : SloMo
Here is some of the first footage I ever shot on my Canon 60D. The initial test shots if you will. I really like the eerie clicks of the cassette as each trick is warped in and out. I'll have more clips like this broken down into SloMo for you guys as the time comes, but for now feast your eyes on Mark Grime.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
ScreenShots : Stackin' Clips
We've been filming a lot lately, and I think the next series is going to be a wave of solo edits to showcase each of our different styles. JeffyD has the airs, and dirt covered. "Horton Heat" is all about rails and the gnarly shit. I (M@) have the tech game covered. After this I'm going to start saving up clips for a full length this summer. Here's some screen shots to give you a taste of what we're working with. Slum w/ a tuck no hander over the 4 flat 3. Horton Heat barely making it out alive in this one. JeffyD twisting the shit out of his already twisted ankle. Heal up man.
A montage of most of the footage I got of everyone riding street in Milwaukee the week we were there for Midwest Mayhem 2. Shit was a blast, roman candle fights, lighting shit on fire, and just plain ol' causing terror half the time. This is officailly going to be my last post about MWM2, until next year that is.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
MWM2 : SHAKES Photography
While I was in Milwaukee for MWM2 I had the chance to meet Kevin "Shakes" O'Meara. He was with us for most of the trip traveling around from spot to spot taking some of the more professional photos while we were there. Here's a photo that he caught of me while we waited for the results from the comp. It was the funniest thing watching Shakes tell the rent a cop to "cool it" as he ran up trying to tackle kids off their bikes because we were riding this beautiful bank. I know how it is being the last person ready to leave a spot because you have to pack up all your camera gear, which is why i think we got along so great. Congrats on winning that gold Leader frame in the raffle he deserved it. Check out the rest of this photo set HERE. Photo Credit : Kevin "Shakes" O'Meara
MWM2 : Ehryn Photography
Some more photo's from MWM2 have been surfacing. Here's a pretty good one of me spinning a 360 to over the coping off this quarter fakie pipe. I like the old school skate look to these photos with the lens vignetting from the fisheye. Check out the rest of the set at her Flickr. Photo Credit : Ehryn Ska
MWM2 : Competition Footage
Here's some of the clips that I got on my camera in between heats, and during warm ups. It's hard being the guy behind the camera and warm up for my heat at the same time. Which is why I had Matt Montoya, Rick Anderson, and Joshua Boothby help me film during the competition. Everyone was going off that night, and this video is proof of that. Tom went through two tubes, on two different bikes before he stuck that over 3. I wish we knew ahead of time that we were only going to have 1 heat, I feel like people would have been riding way harder instead of saving themselves for the finals. I know I would have. All in all MidWest Mayhem 2 was a success. I can't wait until #3.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
The GRIME In San Jose
Ed premiered this new Grime video @ the MWM2 Pre Party. Most of the clips in here are of when Ed came down for the Red Bull Ride+Style event and rode San Jose with a bunch of the locals and out of towners. I like the heavy hitting song, Keeps the edit driving the whole way through.
MWM2 : Archibee Photography
I feel like there were way more people shooting video as apposed to pictures @ MidWest Mayhem. Which is why I was stoked when I saw this photo set pop up. Got a great one of me whipping up the bank. Check out more photos over @ her Flickr.
Photo Credit : Dano Archibee
Photo Credit : Dano Archibee
Teaser clip! Just a taste of the footage I managed to get while I was in Milwaukee for MidWest Mayhem 2. Thank you Mike Dinh for being brave enough to trust this pack of dudes not to pelt him to death with bricks. Killer 1 hander lander. #Swag #HUYAMOUTH
Official Red Bull Video
I know it's a little late, but better late than never, and I think that this really deserves to be up here. So here it is the official video for the Red Bull Ride+Style Competition in San Francisco. Talks more about the event than anything. Wish there was a little bit better coverage of the action that went down, but this came out pretty decent. Don't pay attention to me talking at the end I was speechless and was having trouble finding words to describe how I felt. Not to mention I was still partially blind from all of the champagne running down my face.
Monday, May 23, 2011
PFIX : Red Ano Components
The production model will have anodized red components on a matte black frame. Here's my current set up. New and improved 10t rear hub w/ a laser etched PFIX logo. Equal flange heights with 6 holes drilled out on the opposite side of the drive side. I'm running the a FBM hub guard in the back that is the exact height of the hub flange. It fits perfectly on the bike and was easy enough to install just had to cut my cone bolt in half.
PFIX : Integrated Chain Tensioner
Here's some detail shots of the production MEDIUM. Integrated chain tensioners that keep your drive train tight, and prevent slap on the chain stay. Helps keep the bike running smooth and keeps your rear wheel from shifting around on you on grinds and rough landings. Easy to work with & definitely one of my favorite features on the bike.
Breezy Excursion : Summer Tanks
Our boys over @ Breezy Excursion just recently set us up with a bunch of their new Summer Tank Tops. Just in time too, the heat was starting to get to me and I was about to cut all my Tees into Tanks like I do every year. They just came through with a slough of new Headwear & Shades too. Breezy keepin' it cool and fitted all Summer long. BE EASY
iMiNUSD recently hosted a little trick comp out front of their shop and constructed a high jump for us to play around on. Here's a picture of me clearing it @ 36". Forest Parker was hopping over it like a champ @ 38". Chrome came through with the free dogs, brew, and prizes for the amateur event. Definitely cool to see some of the younger talent out there shred.
DESTROY Bicycles : Minotaur
Last week Kyle Hirsch rolled up to the iMiNUSD BBQ on his new Destroy Bicycles build. Here are a couple sneak peek shots of his ride. I have to admit hat orange looks mighty fresh w/ the white tires. The upside down cross on the top tube and drop outs for all of you satanists out there. Right after I took these photos he took a couple half links out to tighten up his back end. It takes a certain amount of strength and effort to toss around, but man it does look nice thats for sure. Is this the future of Fixed Freestyle?
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Wheel Talk proudly presents Joe Kay as the newest addition to the WT BMX team. I spent the last month or so with Joe filming bits and pieces around Gilroy, Morgan Hill, and San Jose California. His nose manual game is insane, and that 720 out of the river bank was probably the hardest thing in here. Expect to see more video of Joe coming at you in the near future. Shot entirely on a Canon 60D using a Vivitar 7mm 3.5 Fisheye and a Canon 18-55mm.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Lane Daniels
Our boy Lane just recently dropped this lil' mini edit which is chopped full of some intense bar spin combos and a killer 180 to full cab off a stair set. I'd rather see them put out more of these little mini web edits as apposed to another fixed project. Or at least keep them coming more regularly. Keep killin' it Lane.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
My boy Robbie (Bass/Vocals) started up a new project with a couple buddies of his called Leviathan. I'm digging the name and purple hue to the video. They don't really have a set style that they are shooting for, they more or less make and write however they feel at the time. Creating genuine music that is easily relatable and is anything but hipster. Here is a mere taste of what they have up their sleeve. A lot of their other songs have a darker, drone, new wave sound that still carries that progressive rock feel. One thing is for sure, this won't be the last you've heard of them.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Ride+Style Results
I know it's a little strange posting video of myself from a contest I won, but this video isn't for me. It's for my family and friends. Plus why let these winning clips rot on my hard drive? I'm still stunned on the outcome of the contest. If I knew when I woke up that this would be happening.. I would have brushed my teeth. haha.
New Head Tubes
Here's the latest and most likely the production version of the MED Specialized PFIX. The SML & MED frames will have the head tube show above, while the LRG frame will have a slightly larger one. The S cut out is a nice finishing touch that gives the owner the option to personalize their bike by spray painting, sticker bombing, or drawing on their steerer tube. This puts us one step closer to getting this bike out there. What would you slap on your steerer?
Here's a quick montage of the clips that Jeff and I shot @ the Red Bull Ride+Style event last weekend. We didn't get most of the bangers but we have the behind the scenes lifestyle BS covered. Mixed in with a bunch of tricks that went down during warm ups and the first couple heats. I put this video together last night because I still have yet to see any video coverage of the comp. Where the footy @?
WT Compound : Brad Parker
Brad Parker and the rest of the riders that were in town for the Red Bull Ride+Style event spent last Sunday hanging out @ the one and only Wheel Talk training facilities. Fixed Gear Freestyles equivalent to WoodWard. Here is a killer clip of Brad Parker hucking a bar spin over the gap that we had set up for the Mini Cooper during the WT Mini Jam. ~@
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Official WT / MINI COOPER JAM Video
The official video to the Mini Cooper Jam held @ the WT Compound was just released this morning. I liked the editing time that went into making this video. From the mapped out locations to the multiple videos being played at once. Everything came together nicely. Can't wait to host an official bike jam @ the Compound. If you want to watch the HD version of the video click HERE.
Ride+Style : Photos From Prolly
The myth, the man, the legend, Mr. John Prolly was @ the Red Bull Ride+Style competition last weekend supplying his own media coverage of the event. He managed to shoot some of the best photos of the competition I've seen yet. Capturing nearly all of the major bangers from all of major hitters that day. With riders completely emptying out their bags of tricks, putting it all on the table, and laying it all on the line, it's no wonder why so many people were getting broken off by the huge ramps Red Bull provided. Can't wait to see what they have in store for us next year. View the rest of John's photos from that day HERE.
Photo Credit : John Prolly
Photo Credit : John Prolly
WT MIni Jam : Lifestyle shots
Scott Hermanson sent me some more photos from the day of the Mini Jam @ the WT Compound. He got some great life style shots of us just riding and hanging out waiting for the sun to set and the main event to start. I've already seen the official Mini Cooper Video of their trip to The Compound, and it looks freaking rad. They should be releasing it within the next couple days so keep your eyes peeled.
Photo Credit : Scott Hermanson
Photo Credit : Scott Hermanson
Ride+Style : Wreckless
I pulled these shots of Anthony "Wreckless" Combs off of Nikko Jow's Facebook. They don't call him Wreckless for no reason. Here are a couple shots of him killing it @ the Red Bull Ride+Style Trick Comp. Trying tricks I've never seen anybody even attempt before. The Stooperman and barspin to flat being just a few of them.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Ride+Style 2011 : Gary Parker
Forest Parker's dad Gary Parker was @ the Red Bull Ride+Style event last weekend providing some media coverage of his own. Since Forest was riding in the Freestyle competition. Here's a killer photo he caught of me whipping the hip. That was one of the few times I hit that obstacle. Other than that I didn't want to have anything to do with it. Those ledges were sketchy beyond belief. I can't believe Tyler managed a pedal slide to flat off that beast.
Photo Credit : Gary Parker
Photo Credit : Gary Parker
Ride+Style 2011 : Bryan Dempler
My long time friend, & Jeff's older brother Bryan Dempler came out to the Red Bull Comp last saturday to take some photos of the action. His photo of Kozo's Backflip on the spine is my favorite one to emerge yet. For those of you who are wondering what happened to Ed, he broke himself off in warm ups trying to tooth over the sketchy rails they had setup. I didn't do a single grind or barspin the entire competition. Instead I focused on trying tricks that most people weren't doing. Nollie xups, tuck no handers, 540's, Footplants, Whips, and steeze. There were plenty of other guys hitting bigger bangers than I was, I just tried to keep it smooth & consistent as I could while going big without breaking myself off.
Photo Credit : Bryan Dempler
Photo Credit : Bryan Dempler
Bryan Dempler
Ride+Style : 1st Place Finish
The Red Bull Ride&Style Competition that happened this weekend was a total blast. Haven't had that much fun riding in a while. I was more stoked on getting to ride w/ everyone and kick it than the actual comp itself. With more than 5000 people in attendance to watch the world's top FGFS riders throw down yours truly took home the 1st place prize. Specialized & WT in the house! This is the first major win for me @ the largest Fixed Gear Freestyle competition to date.
Photo Credit : justin Kosman, Red Bull Photofiles
Photo Credit : justin Kosman, Red Bull Photofiles
Friday, April 29, 2011
Forest Parker : For iMiNUSD
Our boy forest chopped together this little edit for iMiNUSD. Stoked to see that he's getting those 3's around nicely. Yeeah buddy. His balls out approach to riding really shows in this edit. Forest is always the one trying to hop some crazy gap, or tuck over some rail/wall. It's great having with people with different riding styles in the group. It keeps everyone thinking creatively. If you come out to the Red Bull Ride+Style event on Saturday you can see more of Forest and the rest of the WT, and IMD team riding in person.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
WT Mini Jam : iMiNUSD Recap
This popped up today on iMiNUSD and has clips of most of the action that went down, or should I say over the Mini Cooper @ the WT Mini Jam? The video is a little blown out, but that's okay, you get the idea. We were lucky to even get the lights running @ all. Blew the fuse a couple times because off all the juice we were using to power the band and collection of flood lights. Not to mention we had 4 Mini Coopers with their high beams on.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Lunch Sessions : MH Dirt Jumps
On Friday a bunch of my co-workers @ Specialized, and I went to the Morgan Hill dirt jumps for a tasty lunch break. A solid session is hands down the best way to take a break from work. Apparently we are'nt the only ones who think this way, check out this Lunch Break from BMX rider Albert Mercado. This is the first edit shot entirely on my new Canon 60D.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Rider Portrait : Joshua Boothby
A couple weeks ago I kicked it up in San Francisco and rode some street w/ my boy Joshua Boothby. Every time I ride with him first thing he says is "man haven't ridden fixed in a while". Watching him ride, you'd never be able to tell by the amount of ridiculous shit the guy pulls out of his ass. Here is an excellent candid shot of him taking a break after a hard days work. I'm going to start posting more just rider portraits. I feel sometimes we get too caught up in the bike and forget about the person actually on it.
Joe Kay : River Whip
JeffyD In PDX
Sunday, April 24, 2011
JeffyD : Last Days In PDX


JeffyD has been up in PDX for almost 2 months already. Amazing how time flies. Here are a couple shots of Jeff taking advantage of the good weather and getting a little bit of riding in his last few days in Portland. Can't wait to have you back home buddy.
Photo Credit : Brenton Salo
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